Collect Your Travel Memories!

What is Goshuin?

Goshuin is a proof of visiting temples and shrines. These stamps are marked in vermilion ink with the name of the deity and the temple or
shrine’s name written in calligraphy. They are more than just stamps; they are tokens of respect for the gods.
A Goshuincho is a dedicated book for collecting these sacred stamps.
With various designs available, choose your favorite and use it to collect memories from your travels.


Let’s observe proper etiquette and worship respectfully.

Goshuin is evidence of worship. Be calm and offer prayers before receiving a goshuin. Temples and shrines that are crowded with visitors may collect goshuin stamp books from worshippers before offering prayers to relieve congestion and reduce waiting time. It is recommended that you write your name on your goshuin stamp book to avoid confusion. It is good if you can say “御朱印をお願いします (Goshuin wo onegai shimasu)” to ask for a goshuin, and “ありがとうございます (Arigatogozaimasu)” after receiving it, as it is important to show respect.

◇ Please make sure to worship.
◇ Please refrain from taking photos or speaking to the staff while receiving a seal stamp.
◇ Please prepare exact change if possible to avoid receiving change.


Special limited edition Goshuin available

Some temples and shrines offer special Goshuin with unique features and seasonal editions.
Collecting your favorite Goshuin is part of the joy of traveling.


About Our Goshuin Stamp Books

Handcrafted with care by skilled artisans in Kyoto,each bookbinding is meticulously made in Japan.
Japanese accordion binding made with high-quality Japanese paper that has minimal bleed-through.

We offer a variety of cute original products designed by us and provide online shopping services.
The book opens in the same orientation from both the front and back, so you can use your favorite pattern as the front cover.

Versatile Uses of Goshuincho

You can use a Goshuin stamp book as a scrapbook to keep memories of your trip. Since it is an accordion-style book,
you can display it unfolded or with your favorite page open.
You can use a Goshuin stamp book as a sketchbook because it is made of high-quality Washi paper.

As a Memory Journal of Your Trip

Why not preserve your memories of Japan on high-quality Washi paper?

Precautions for other uses

Goshuin are sacred stamps, so they should not be mixed with scraps or sketches. If you use our goshuin stamp book as a “regular”
scrapbook or sketchbook, for example, please refrain from asking for goshuin to be stamped in it.


A Guide to Enjoying Your Goshuincho

A free Goshuincho Fun Guide is available at all Reiseidou stores that sell Red Seal books.
Please pick one up and take it home with you.